Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dangers of drinking Energy Drinks ~ Red Bull ~ Monster ~ Rockstar


The rise of the Famous energy drinks like Monster, Red Bull, RockStar, and 5 Hour Energy is insane.  The industry is in the 12 billion range of sales.  That is alot of energy!!!  The crazy thing is these drinks are extremely horrible for you and have dangerous side effects.  If you are one that drinks these STOP now.  Not only are you harming your body with this toxin in a can, but you are harming your pocket book as well.  I mean just one of these a day is $90 a month or $1,080 a year!!!  That is at a rate of one a day, but the average is 2 a day and well let's face it if you went out the night before you will most likely think you need 3 or 4 of these energy drinks.  

Now let's dig into WHY you should not be drinking these ENERGY DRINKS.

  1. Cardiac Arrest ~ Those with underlying heart conditions have gone into cardiac arrest after a few energy drinks.  Before consuming any energy drinks and/or caffeine please know your heart conditions or consult your doctor. A new study has shown that energy drinks cause more forceful heart contractions which can be more harmful for the ones that have heart conditions.  One study showed that between 2009 and 2011 there was 4854 to poison control regarding energy drinks.  Then in 2016 another study was done that showed 18-40 years old that drink energy drinks have had a significant increase in their QTC interval which is a marker of abnormal rhythm risk.
  2. Headaches and Migraines ~ Too many energy drinks can lead to massive headaches and migraines from caffeine withdrawl symptoms.  
  3. Increased Anxiety ~ Those with 2 different genetic variations in their adenosine receptors are prone to feeling increased anxiety when consuming caffeinated beverages such as energy drinks. Larger doses of caffeine can even spur on full blown panic attacks.
  4. Insomnia ~Energy drinks do a great job of keeping people awake because that is what they are intended for, but when abused, they can cause some people to miss sleep altogether.  The lack of sleep causes impaired functioning and can be dangerous to drive or perform other concentration of heavy task.  Lack of sleep is very unhealthy.
  5. Type 2 Diabetes ~ Because many energy drinks are very high in sugar, they can eventually wear out the insulin producing cells of the pancreas which can lead to Type 2 Diabetes.
  6. Drug Interaction ~ Some of the ingredients in energy drinks can interact with prescription medications, especially ones that are taken for depression.
  7. Addiction ~ Yes I said Addiction.  People can become addicted to caffeine and energy drinks which can lead to lack of functioning when unable to have the energy drink for whatever reason.  
  8. Risky Behavior ~ You know how they always say with Red Bull you get wings and fly.  Well there was a study published in the Journal of American College Health which showed that teens are more likely to take dangerous risk when high on caffeine.  This could results in injury and/or trouble.
  9. Jitters ~  Lord knows I do not like jitters and with too much caffeine from energy drinks can cause some people to shake and be anxious.
  10. Vomiting ~  Overuse of energy drinks can lead to vomitting which causes dehydraion and acid erosion of the teeth and esophagus if frequent.
  11. High Blood Pressure ~ Drinks with caffeine can elevate a person's blood pressure.  For those with normal blood pressure, this isn't concerning, but those with already elevated blood pressure could be placing themselves at risk of stroke and other health problems related to hypertension if they consume too many energy drinks in a short period of time.
  12. Niacin ~  Niacin which is Vitamin B3 is placed in most energy drinks at levels that cause no harm and can even be therapeutic.  However if a person is taking additional supplements containing Niacin, overdosing on the vitamin is possible when consuming energy drinks in addition to those supplements.  Symptoms can be skin flushing, dizziness, rapid heart rate, vomitting, itching, gout, and diarrhea.
  13. Stress Hormone Release ~  A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic found that a 240mg version of Rockstar Energy Drink cause an increase in stress hormoned release.  The average norepinephrinel level of the participants increased by 74% while the placebo caused  a 31% increase.
Now after reading those are you ready to continue drinking those horribly energy drinks?  I am so glad I stopped taking them.  I switched to an all natural energy booster.  Our NRG which is an all natural energy supplement that also suppresses appetite and burns 300 calories.  It is a triple threat in a capsule.  I also combine that with our Nutraburst which is a liquid vitamin mineral supplement with a 98% absorption rate.  With those to you will be bursting with energy throughout the day. If you would like to check them out go to

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